Currently Obsessed With…You’ve Got Mail

Currently Obsessed With...

You've Got Mail

Ah, You’ve Got Mail. A classic rom-com and one of my personal favorites. It’s so dated with it’s AOL dial-up tones and VCRs but I love that kind of stuff. I think that it’s pointless to try and make something “timeless” and forego making modern references. It is exactly those references to technology and culture in a book that gives a certain personality and awareness. But besides that, You’ve Got Mail is a quirky and enchanting film that makes me want to snuggle up and read Pride and Prejudice. I don’t know what it is about modern interpretations of classics, I’m like a moth to a flame. But let’s be honest, Meg Ryan (aka Kathleen Kelly) is no Elizabeth Bennet – not enough fire but completely enjoyable to watch her awkwardness.

Just a friendly reminder to never judge a book by its cover, or person for that matter. Sound off in the comments if you have seen and loved this nineties gem!

Currently Obsessed With…Pompeii by Bastille

Currently Obsessed With...

I know that Pompeii by Bastille isn’t new (it was released this time last year) but I can’t get it out of my head. The power of this song is so incredibly moving and inspirational. When I’m having a crap day or just need that extra boost, I turn this song on and crank the volume. I recently found this video of Bastille doing an acoustic version and it blew me away all over again. Thought I’d share!

Anyone else a crazy-I-play-it-all-the-time Pompeii fan like me? If anyone would like to recommend some music similar to Bastille, I’m looking for my next music obsession – let me know in the comments!